Faster Smarter Connected (in 120 days)

This program will be ideal for?

For business owners who want to step out of the daily grind and operate a profitable business while working only four days a week.
(Yes, it is possible!)


This program runs on a practical yet fast-paced structure to improve business efficiency and effectiveness within 120 days.

Over these 4 months you’ll receive step-by-step guidance, individual support, as well as a comprehensive range of tools, checklists and procedures specifically designed for this program to help you focus on getting results.


120 days

Want more details? Click the Learn More button to visit our other website.

business coaching program Brisbane

Fridays Off Executive Lunch & Learn

This luncheon will be ideal for?

Business owners willing to participate in great conversation over lunch with a group of like-minded people keen to discover how to build leverage and scalability utilising the principles of Fridays Off and other supportive strategies.

Number of attendees

Maximum of 20.

Qualifying Criteria

Minimum 5 Staff in ones’ Business


  • Structured yet agile agenda to suit and encourage participation
  • Key discussion topic notified in advance
  • Facilitated by an experienced chair
  • Conversational yet purposeful in nature
  • Plenty of implementable takeaway wisdom


Bi-Monthly on a Friday from 11:30am to 2:00pm

Fridays Off Strategic Group Mentoring

This program will be ideal for?

Business owners looking for access to a high level of business support, accountability and practical implementable knowledge that can have immediate impacts within their business.

Number of participants

Maximum of 10

Qualifying criteria

Minimum turnover of $750,000pa but importantly has a strong growth mindset personally and professionally. Other key criteria will be discussed in person and form part of our joint commitment document.


  • High-level accountability re-cap
  • Common roadblocks and problem-solving explored
  • Specific problem of the month to be brainstormed
  • Individual member business presentation
  • Hot seat
  • Business book summary/article of the month
  • Specialist guest speaker


  • Monthly on a Friday from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm in a group setting
  • Two hours one on one follow up coaching and mentoring to help implement new knowledge acquired and/or embed existing
Group mentoring outcomes Infographic

See if you qualify for Fridays Off

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